Crowborough 5k

10:00 Sunday 2 November 2025

Distance5 Kilometres
Course profileHilly
Is accurate?Possibly but no certificate at present
Accuracy detailsAsserted as accurately measured at RunEvents
Event listingEvent listing at RunEvents

Get your running shoes ready and your game faces on as you join over 30 years of tradition on the hallowed start line of the Crowborough 10k & 5k


A grey object with two handlesDescription automatically generated   Sunday 02 November, 10:00
A black and grey location pinDescription automatically generated   Crowborough, East Sussex
A black and white flagDescription automatically generated   10k & 5k
A grey curved line on a black backgroundDescription automatically generated   Tarmac, Road Closures, Challenging

The Crowborough 10k has been a superb race offering from hosts, Crowborough Runners, for over last thirty years. The 5k, which is a more recent addition to the event, has also proven incredibly popular. Both races continue to be a firm favourite in the racing calendar, beloved by many and drawing runners of all abilities from far and wide to enjoy the superb race day atmosphere. The 10k races forms part of the Sussex Grand Prix. Whether you're new to the Crowborough 10k & 5k or returning for repeat a edition, you are in for a treat and warmly welcome.

Route Information
The 10k & 5k start at the same time. The 10k takes place over two laps whilst the 5k takes place over one lap.

Race Highlights
•    Pretty route around lanes surrounding the town
•    Accurately measured course
•    10k forms part of the Sussex Grand Prix
•    Friendly atmosphere

What’s Included
•    Bespoke medal
•    Trophies & prizes for leading runners
•    Cakes on the finish line

On-the-Day Entry Fee (subject to availability)
•    10k: £25
•    5k: £20

Event information will be sent out to all registered entrants prior to race day