Ashford & District Halloween 10 Miles

10:00 Sunday 27 October 2024

Distance10 Miles
Course profileUndulating
Is accurate?Yes
Accuracy detailsAUKCM South certificate 24/431

Ashford & District Halloween 10 and 5 Mile - A spooktacular event for Halloween 

Back again, this is a scenic event based in Ashford at the Towers School. There is a choice of 5 miles or 10 miles. A great end of season race. Test yourself with that final 5 or 10 mile before winter sets in.  

This great event takes place on Halloween weekend, so there are a few spooky touches, you can either race it like a pro or dress up and have fun with your friends. It really is suitable for everyone. 

We have a great Race HQ at the Towers School - lots of space, showers, changing rooms and a great catering offer. There really has never been a better time to enter. We expect the event to be popular, so booking early is recommended. The route is also officially measured by the AOCM. 

We’ll have a special spooky themed medal celebrating the event for EVERY finisher, great refreshments, music and commentary.