19:30 Wednesday 17 July 2024

Distance10 Kilometres
Course profileFlat
Is accurate?Yes
Accuracy detailsAUKCM South certificate 21/067
LicenceLicensed Road Race
Water stationsYes
Venue facilitiesHQ Registration/Baggage Tent/ Portoloos
Race limit1000 (750 entrants previouly)

An out-and-back fast course the race runs west towards Shoreham on the promenade. After Hove Lagoon the course meets Basin Road South (this will be closed for the race). Following Shoreham Docks the race turns at Carats Café at 5km returning to the finish at Hove Lawns. This course is capable of producing fast times as it is flat and relatively straight. PHX10K is a fully inclusive race, disabled athletes who have entered should contact the club to discuss the course and any help you might need. The course holds a UKA Cerificate of Accurancy – Course 11-160