The following was prepared by the then Chairman John Hartley in September 2001.
1. Introduction
- Although the Club’s purpose and general business operations are defined in the Constitution, there is very little detail given regarding the role of Management Committee members.
- It is not considered necessary to amend the Constitution in this respect; however, for pragmatic reasons, it is deemed appropriate that the general role of Committee members is documented and understood and accepted by the Management representatives.
- This paper sets out the role of Management Committee members; it was initially agreed in principle by the Committee at their September meeting, and subsequently ratified in full following an amendment to the text.
2. Proposed Role of Management Committee Members
- To uphold the ‘Objects’ of the Club by: ‘assist and encourage all members of the club with their athletic aspirations and to promote athletics in general’, as stated in the Club Constitution.
- To attend the monthly Committee meetings on a regular basis; it is expected that members will generally attend for 9 of the 12 meetings (including the AGM).
- For each of the Club’s road running events, Committee members are expected to assist in the range of tasks required for preparing for the event, and similarly on the day of the race. Consequently, Committee members will not normally compete for the Club on these occasions. In certain circumstances, Committee members may be permitted to compete after agreement with the Chief Coach and Club Chairman/Chairwoman.
- For the Club’s cross-country event, Committee members are expected to assist in the range of tasks required for preparing for the event. However, Committee members may compete for the Club after agreement with the Chief Coach and Club Chairman/Chairwoman.